Saturday, 7 April 2012

Getting Ready to Write

The Writer's Ideas Book (includes more than 400 prompts - yay)
Jack Heffron, 2000, Writer's Digest Books, Cincinnati, Ohio ISBN 13: 978 1 58297 179 7 You'll find it in the Reference Section at Chelsea Library (Old Town Hall) Category 808.02

Warm-Ups - say, ten minutes.
Prompt 1 - Write at least three paragraphs in your journal - the day's events or plans, ideas you've been thinking about. Never get past the journal? Set a limit - one page or fifteen minutes.
Prompt 2 - Read one page from a book you enjoy - especially poetry. Good for writing at the end of the day.
Prompt 3 - Dive into this book :)

Creativity Techniques
1. Freewriting - focus on a specific topic and write everything you can think of without pause. Add a time limit.
2. Brainstorming - less structured - write anything that comes into your mind.
3. Automatic Writing - if it works for you, use it (maybe after a joint?)
4. Listing
5. Clustering - webbing, mapping etc, you know the thing.
6. Cave writing - mix words and pictures, go mad and use your non-dominant hand and big crayons. Memory/inspiration - the course at Clapham and Battersea AEI.
7. Cut and Paste - what it says on the tin. Write some stuff, chop it up and arrange in a different order. Add fondant icing and head for diabetes junction. Popularised by the Beats, it says.
8. Mix and Match - select from column a, b, c, d etc and find a fun way to start seeing connections. NB not an evening where you swap your cast offs for other people's.
1. Write down every idea you've ever had but didn't use. Keep adding (reminder: the Knitting blog - furtherfield exhibition)

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